I have seen in my time growing up that a generation can be left not knowing Christ. We live in an era where children are left to make decisions for themselves and when a child is given such chances they make decision that destroy their lives, Proverbs 22 V 6: train up a child the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it

Visualize a field filled with blossoming flowers which has been poisoned, it will destroy its growth. That is where the next generation stands at the moment, Matthew 6 V 33: but seek first His Kingdom and His Righteousness and All these things will be given to you as well. The core foundation of our blessings on earth has been excluded from the upbringing of the next generation; the Word of God which is the core foundation of God creating the World and creating His children has now been taken from the next generation by the enemy. With sharp tongue and manipulative ways the enemy has used ignorant minds to infiltrate most institutions whose foundations were built with the Word of God, Proverbs 10 V 1: A wise child brings joy to the father, a foolish child brings grief to the mother
The result of this is having a lost generation; we are starving the next generation with the word of God. The famines in third world countries is an understatement of the way society has starved the next generation spiritually from the Word of God, Roman 8 v 6: for the mind set on the flesh is dead, but the mind set on the Spirit is Life and Peace. Many of the next generation minds are set on flesh which makes them spiritually dead. The next generation needs to be fed with the word to save them from hell because of continue feeding of lustful tendencies they are heading towards hell.
Immoral feeding of the mind has been the infestation of the minds of the next generation ie: tv, mobile phones and computers equipment has been the source of message sending point that the enemy has infested the minds of the next generations. These sources are been used to feed the next generation continuously with worldly canal living of which the next generation don’t find anything wrong with carnality because their mind has bee brainwashed.
We have to feed the next generation the Word of God by using the same sources, if Christians ignore this sources (Tv, I phones, I pads, Laptops and Desktops) we have failed God, as we teach the next generation through the same sources it will fall on fertile grounds and bring many to Christ, Revelation 21 v 8: those without Christ will have their part in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. Will Christians who do not teach the word to the next generation also suffer the same fate in Revelations 21 v 8, what I will say is we will be asked the question why did we not go out to teach the next generation. The fate of the apostles of Christ was tested because they went into many dangerous territories, but they continued to teach the Word of God so we must teach the next generation regardless of the circumstances.
The next generation now worship music pop stars, world actors/actresses, sports stars etc, they copy their canal lifestyles and it leads to destruction, distancing the next generation from the presence of God. Evil is portrayed as fashion in pop music video, TV drama/movies, box office movies, TV advertisements and celebrating worldly occasions. Beyonce's song “hold up” from her lemonade album https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeonBmeFR8o shows the in-depth of a pop star elaborating the Word of God in a perverse and vile way which is blasphemous and beyonce with millions of followers around the world can influence the next generation into believing that the false message she said in the song has any truth. As Christians we should teach the next generation that to send out such message in a song demeaning the Word of God is blasphemy and an insult to God. Referencing to whipping of her back which is the torture and whipping of Christ before He was Crucified, also drinking blood referring to the Last Supper and using the passages of the bible as tampon which the term coil was mention shows the perverse reference of insulting and mocking Christ, May God have Mercy on the Mouth that say that Because They Don’t Know What They Are Saying. Musicians live their life in their songs, so when they voice such lyrics it’s of great importance to teach the next generation the truth which is the Word of God so they don’t follow such perverse and vile message, Hosea 4 v 6(A): My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge
Sitting in the Church waiting for the next generation will be a lost battle and failure, after Jesus thought his Apostle he sent them out to win the lost souls for the Kingdom (Matthew 10). We have to use the sources I mentioned to teach the next generation, what is also paramount is to listen to the next generation and direct them. There is an African proverb which says what an old person can see sitting down a young person cannot see whiles standing on the highest mountain in the world, without the mentor-ship of believers to the next generation we will have another lost generation.
Believers of Christ let us make it a mission to usher the next generation to Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! Shalom