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Our 7 Main Principles Are:


















My house shall be called a house of prayer for all nations- Isaiah 56:7

Reaches Out To The Community With The Gospel Release People Into Ministry




We shall endeavor to train worship leaders to properly lead congregations into pure worship through seminars, practicum’s, example, fellowship of leaders, sharing resources, and developing musician pools for assistance to churches in need in the near future.

We dream of training worship leaders and members to develop spiritual discernment to separate true worship and visitations of God from the false.

We envision utilizing church worship ministry teams in community meetings and incorporating younger participants in ministries so that future worshipers are trained and experienced.

We shall promote, train for, and practice worship so that God will be exalted in and through all we do.




We dream of increased emphases on and participation in the development of inter church fellowship for the strengthening of those who are in other areas of the town.


We see stronger sectional fellowship through new and innovative ways of ministerial interaction for iron to sharpen iron and the Fellowship to build one another.

We envision a strengthening of the closeness of ministers and churches in the community through special activities and meetings attached to community events designed to enhance our relationships.

We see training our ministers in relationship building skills, communication skills, and conflict resolution skills to enable our church and other Churches and ministers to function together as team in the Community.




We envision our community staff providing for and presenting leadership training for the lay members as well as the ministers so that strengthened leaders will produce strong members.

We see an increased provision for training of Church leaders in the specialized ministries within the church for discipleship and for evangelism through definitive departmental strategies to assist the local church.

We dream of powerful discipleship training through departmental ministries that will assist the local church in developing people to reach, teach, win, and train all members for ministry.


We see the believers of our community being enriched for stronger, more effective ministry through practical ministry training, leadership principals training, and ministry marriage/home enrichment seminars and retreats.

We envision equipping ministers, leaders or members to avoid failure through prevention, training, and by providing “safety net” ministers to counsel those in temptation. We see a future refinement and enhancement of the rehabilitation process so that those who do fail will be restored, whole and healed, ready for ministry.

We envision training ministers and leaders and members for cross-cultural ministries to better reach the peoples of our community.

We dream of greater cross-cultural ministries and an expansion of understanding between ethnic groups through involvement of ethnic speakers in our community meetings.


We envision an increased desire for and participation in evangelism through strong worship.

We see departmental ministries incorporating evangelism training and resource materials in their ministries throughout the year. We dream of coordinated evangelistic outreaches for new believers to be equipped in a consolidated effort to win the lost. We see continued strong emphases on evangelism in the ministries conducted on our departmental groups in the Church.

We see strong emphases on foreign and home missions through increased support, more missionaries, and the development of Project HOPE.


We dream of new church plantings that will last and mature beginning with the fifteen members of a Crawley Assembly of God church, the inner city areas, and into our small areas of 500 and above.

We envision expansion and realignment of community office ministries through the continuing work of the Evaluation Committee.

We dream of the expansion of our Church facilities through continued Charity work development, Charity Foundations, all weather recreation areas, and property beautification for the purpose of increasing the use of our Church Facility.

We dream of expanding the ministry departments of our Church to include media, missions, administration works, properties, housing, legal matters, and other necessary and important practical aspects of church and personal life.


We envision the continuing strong emphasis of teaching and encouraging believers to be baptized in the Holy Spirit, which enables them to evangelize in the power of the Spirit with accompanying supernatural signs, adding a necessary dimension of worshipful relationship with God, and enabling them to respond to the full working of the Holy Spirit in expression of fruit and gifts and ministries as in New Testament times for the edifying of the body of Christ.

We dream of strengthening our cooperative fellowship of Pentecostal, spirit baptized believers from local Pentecostal Assemblies in our Community, endeavoring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.

All this we purpose to do as Jesus tarries and our Lord provides the finances, timing, and leadership to accomplish the bettering of our Church and the Community so that the fulfillment of the Great Commission may be foremost in our lives.

Crawley Assemblies of God International Church (CAOGIC) is a Christian Ministry devoted to preaching CHRIST. We are passionate about the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST who came, so that all may find life through his BLOOD!

Find answers, send a request for Prayer, join our Prison Ministry, support our Orphanages, visit our Online Shop and much more.
JESUS CHRIST is the Alpha and Omega!
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Registered UK Charity No. 1142820
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