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Meet The Children


Our beautiful children

To learn more about each child please click on each child’s name. Each child has their own unique story either related to the Kenya Crisis or to HIV/AIDS.

We care for 42 children in total and we hope you will consider becoming an ongoing sponsor of one child or more. We only ask for £10 per month per child this covers their food requirements. If you wish to get more involved or to know more, please speak to Hadassah.



                 Darmack Omanga


Both of his parents died due to HIV/AIDS. The boy became homeless and had nowhere to call home because his parents stayed in rented houses in Kisii town. He came to the orphanage in 2010 when he was 8 years old. He is now 15 years old. He is in grade 7. Thank you for your prayers.

                          Peter Rudisha


Peter parents died 5 years ago. His mother died shortly after his birth in 2006 and his father died in 2007 during the post election violence. We found the boy in the streets in 2009 when he was 3 years old and was brought to the orphanage. He is currently 10 years old. He is in grade 5

                          Siko Ombaso


Siko mother used to work in one of the hotel in Kisii town and while there she fell in love with one of the men staff and became pregnant of him. The couple married for 6 months and difforced.She later re-married with another man and stayed together for 4 years but the mother died after 2 years. The boy was left under the care of his father but we were told that the father mistreated him because he was not his biological son and he chased him away. He was unanle to locate his father and decided to go to the streets where i met him and after he shared with me the story i decided to take him to the orphanage for help. When i met him he was 3 years old in 2009. He is currently 10 years old. He is in standard 5. We welcome for your prayers and support.



Ayaro is a brother to Orengo. His mother died in 2006 in a fight with another woman over land. The father died in 2008 during the post election violence. After the death of their parents, they were left under the care of their grandmother who also died in 2009. Their uncle offered to take them but mistreated them and made them to be servants taking care of his cattle and never went to school. The boys were not even given food when they did not do work. A good Samaritan told me about them and we decided to take them for help. They are now happy in the orphanage and going to school.  Ayaro is now 10 years old and he is in standard 4. Thanks for your support and prayers.

                             Kelvin Onditi


Kelvin is a brother to Joseph and a sister to Janet. Both of their parents died during the post election violence in 2008. They were left under the care of their grandmother who died in 2010. They had none to help them and they went to the streets to look for food. I found them in 2011 in Kisii and they approached me and  told me their story and i brought them to the orphanage. Kelvin was 5 years when he came to the orphanage and now he is currently 11 years old. The boy is happy being in the orphanage and he is in standard 6.

                                   Edgar Nyachae


Edgar parents died during the post election violence in 2008. I found the boy in the streets of Kisii sleeping on floors and was begging food food from people. He came to the orphanage in the year 2010 when he was 7 years old. He is currently 14 years old. He is happy going to school and he is in standard 6. Thanks for your support and prayers.



Peter  parents died during the post election violence in 2008. When both parents died, she was under the care of his grandmother who died in 2014. I found the boy in kisii in 2015 when he was 6 years old. He is currently  8 years old. He is in class 3. Thanks for your prayers and support.

                                    Samwel Nyaboga


Samuel parents used to stay in Kisumu and his father disappeared from their home in fear of being killed during the post election violence in 2008. His mother died in 2010 due to stroke. Since his parents were from Kisii, he was brought to kisii and he was unable to locate his home and he decided to stay in Kisii town as a street boy. I found him in Kisii town and i decided to bring him to the orphanage after he shared with me his story. He came to the orphanage in 2011 when he was 7 years old. He is now 13 years old and he is in standard 7. Thanks for your prayers and support

                                    Juliet Moraa


Juliet parents died in 2008 during the post election violence. She was abandoned and she was left alone in her home. It was hard for her to get food and she made a decision to go to the streets to beg for food. She looked different from other street girls and i called her and she just told me  all that made her to go to the streets. She had only stayed there for a week.  She was 7 years old when i found her and now she is currently 16 years old. She is in high school in form one. Thanks for your prayers.

                                    Juliet Moraa


Both of her parents died of HIV/AIDS in 2011. The girl was brought to the orphanage by a good Samaritan who told us about her and we decided to help her. When she came to the orphanage in 2014 when she was 9 years. She is currently 12 years old. She is in standard 6 . Thanks for your prayers and support

                                    John Tenga


John was abandoned by his parents when he was a young boy of 3 years old. He went to the streets at a very young age at age 4 in the year 2008 and has been there until i found him in 2016. He was 7 years old and he is currently 13 years old. He is in standard 6. Thanks for your prayers.

                                        Vic Mugoi


Vic's parents died in a road accident in 2008 and he was left under the care of his grandmother who died in 2016. A good Samaritan told us  about the boy and we visited him and found him lonely in the house and was very weak because he had no food to eat. I decided to take him to the orphanage for help. He was 13 years when he came to the orphanage. He is currently 14 years old. He is in standard 7. Thanks for your prayers and support.

                                     Moffat Nyaosi


Moffat father died when the mother was pregnant of him so moffat did not see the father. The mother left him at age one in 2006 and the grandmother took care of him who also died in 2015 . The boy decided to go to the streets and i found him there and brought him to the orphanage. He came to the orphanage in 2016 when he was 11 years old. He is currently 12 years old. He is in standard 5 now.Thanks for your prayers and support



Gladys comes from an impoverished family, her mother is deceased due to sudden illness that forced her father to re-marry. The father abandoned the girl due to much poverty of the family. She stopped her education due to lack of school supplies. She came to our church and shared with us what she went through and we decided to take her to the orphanage for help. She came to the orphanage in 2008 when she was 7 years old. She is currently 15 years old. She is in standard 8 and next year she will join high school. She is happy to be in school again. Gladys needs your care, love support and sponsor her to allow her the chance to a better life in the future.

                                    Sophia Kemunto


Sophia Mother died shortly after her birth. She was delivered to our doorstep after passing through a series of informal volunteers caretakers in our community who were unable to afford to take care of her. She came to the orphanage when she was 3 years old in 2008. She is currently 12 years old and she is in standard 5 now. Thanks for your support and prayers

                                     Ann Onditi


Ann comes from a very poor family and her parents were too illiterate due to their financial instability. The parents do not have even small land for farming. They only depend day to day jobs for their living. Sometimes they can miss to get a job of the day and they are forced to go hungry. They even do not have a home and they have a temporary constructed hut made of banana fibers. They do not have enough to support their children and we decided to help them with this child. She came to the orphanage in 2008 when she was 5 years old. She is currently 14 years old. She is in standard 7 now.

                                   Samwel Ogaro


His name is Samuel Ogaro .The Mother to the boy became pregnant at the age of 15years while she was in school with her boy friend. . The couple was too young and too poor to take care of the baby. Samuel’s  grandmother knew about our aid to the needy and she brought him and shared his story with us and we decided to take him for help. Samwel came to the orphanage when in 2008 at age 6. He is currently 15 years old.He is in standard 7 now. Thanks for your prayers and support

                                   Miriamu Mercy


Miriam parents died in 2008 during the post election violence . She was under the care of the grand mother who died in 2010. She was 4 years when the parents died. She came to the orphanage when she was 9 years old in 2012. She is currently 13 years. She is in standard 6 now.Thanks for your prayers and support

                                     Prisca Tom


The father of Prisca died and her mother was very poor. The mother had already 7 children and she saw prisca as an extra burden and she brought her near to our orphanage gate and disappeared. We took the baby to the nearest hospital and she had been under medication until she was big enough and we brought her to the orphanage. We thank God for this child and we need your prayers and support to further help this child. God bless you. She is currently 14 years old.

                                     Aska Obude


Aska mother died in 2008 and she was under the care of her father but the father was not able to take care of the girl and she was not able to go to school. A good Samaritan brought her to the orphanage and we decided to help her. She came to the orphanage in 2011 when she was 7 years old. She is now 13 years old. She is in standard 6 now.Thanks for your prayers and support.

                                   Moreen Matungo


Maureen father died due to HIV/AIDS in 2007 when she was 2 years. The mother is HIV Positive and it is hard for her to raise support for her 7 children. She was not even able to go to school. She came to the orphanage and pleaded for help. We allowed her to stay in the orphanage. She came to the orphanage in 2015 at age 12. She is now 12 years old.She is in standard 7 now. Thanks for your prayers and support.

                                   Ann Matongo


Both parents died in a road accident in 2012. She is the eldest sister to Ian. She was 9 years when the parents died. She came to the orphanage the same year and she is now 14 years old. She is in standard 7 now. Thanks for your prayers and support.

                                   Risper Omweri


When we found Risper, she was very malnourished both physically and mentally.  Both of her parents died of HIV/AIDS in 2012 at age 4.  She came to the orphanage in 2013 when she was 5 years old. She is now 9 years old. She is in standard 4 now. May God bless you for your support and prayers to her.



His father died during the post election violence in 2008. The mother died in a road accident in 2010. The boy was under the care of his a uncle who also died due to AIDS in 2012. The boy was 7 years old when the mother died in 2010. He came to the orphanage in 2013 at age 9. He is now 14 years old. He is in standard 7 now. Thanks for your prayers and support.



His father died during the post election violence in 2008. The mother died in a road accident in 2010. The boy was under the care of his a uncle who also died due to AIDS in 2012. The boy was 7 years old when the mother died in 2010. He came to the orphanage in 2013 at age 9. He is now 14 years old. He is in standard 7 now. Thanks for your prayers and support.

                                   Moragwa Okinyi


Moragwa’s father died in a tragic motorcycle accident in the year 2009 while going to his work place. The death of the father left her mother unable to sponsor or provide enough food and education due to poverty. The mother struggled to feed this child and due to stress the mother became ill and died in 2011 when she was age 6. Now the girl became a total orphan and she had no hope in life. She came to the orphanage in 2013 when she was 8 years old. She is currently 12 years old.This girl needs your help, support and sponsor in order to continue to provide her with education and food.



Cypros comes from a poor family. He left going to school due to much poverty and he was once employed as a house boy at a young age. He was maltreated and used to do heavy works and the boy decided to come to the orphanage and ask if we can help him go back to school. Going to school on a regular basis has improved his literacy stills. Since he left school for many years, he is a low class and suffers from discrimination. He is in standard 4 now. He came to the orphanage in 2012 when he was 10 years old. He is now 15 years old.Thank you for your prayers and support

                                    Nelson Matara


Nelson father suffers from mental illness. Her mother abandoned her and she got remarried to another man. When he was abandoned by her mother, he stayed with her grandmother but the grandmother was too old to take care of the boy.  He came to the orphanage in 2012 when he was 10 years old. He is now 15 years old. He is in form one and doing well in school. Thank you for your prayers and support.

                                    Nelson Matara


Orengo is the elder brother to Ayaro. His mother died in 2006 in a fight with another woman over land. The father died in 2008 during the post election violence. After the death of their parents, they were left under the care of their grandmother who also died in 2009. Their ancle offered to take them but mistreated them and made them to be servants taking care of his cattle and never went to school. The boys were not even given food when they did not do work. A good Samaritan told me about them and we decided to take them for help. They are now happy in the orphanage and going to school.  Orengo  is now 13  years old and he is in standard 8. Thanks for your support and prayers.

                                    Osori Nyabuto


The mother to Osori died to unknown sickness in 2009. The father died for HIV/AIDS when Osori was 2 years old. We found this boy homeless in Igare Village[A little village in Gucha District] The people used to call him a Village boy because he was walking around the village begging for food. He lived in one or no meals and people instead of helping him, they chased him away calling him a thief. One day this boy broke into one of the houses in the village to look for food and he was beaten so badly. He came to the orphanage in 2012 when he was 8 years old. He is now 13 years old. He is in class 7 now. Thank you for your prayers and support

                                    Osori Nyabuto


The mother to Osori died to unknown sickness in 2009. The father died for HIV/AIDS when Osori was 2 years old. We found this boy homeless in Igare Village[A little village in Gucha District] The people used to call him a Village boy because he was walking around the village begging for food. He lived in one or no meals and people instead of helping him, they chased him away calling him a thief. One day this boy broke into one of the houses in the village to look for food and he was beaten so badly. He came to the orphanage in 2012 when he was 8 years old. He is now 13 years old. He is in class 7 now. Thank you for your prayers and support

                                    Osori Nyabuto


Gladys comes from a poor family. Her mother is deceased and unable to walk. The father re-married another wife and abandoned Gladys and her mother and moved to kisii town. Since her mother was unable to provide for the girl, she was forced to stop school. Gladys came to our church and after she shared with us all she went through, we decided to take her to the orphanage. She came to the orphanage in 2012 when she was 7 years old. She is now 12 years old. She is in class 4 now. Thanks for your prayers and support.

                                    Vavon Kerubo


Vavon parents died due to land clashes in 2014. The young girl used to go school where our orphans go and when she reached her home and found her parents death and her house burned, she followed our children to the orphanage and since we knew what happened to her we allowed her to stay with other children in the orphanage. She came to the orphanage when she was 10 years old. She is currently 13 years old. She is in class 6 now. Thank you for your prayers and support.

                                  Veniliza Kibwage


Vaniliza father died due to road accident in 2007. The father died in 2008 during the post election violence. She was left under the care of her auntie who mistreated her and we were told about her and we decided to bring her to the orphanage. She came to the orphanage in 2014 when she was 8 years old. She is now 11 years old. She is in cllass 5 now. Thanks for your prayers and support

                                      Ruth Magara


Ruth mother died in 2008 after a short illness. She was born out of wedlock and the father location is not known. After the death of her mother, she was under the care of her auntie but she mistreated the girl and  the time we find her was having several scars from beatings with a steel rod. One of our church member who knew the girl told us about her and we decided to bring her to the orphanage. She came to the orphanage in 2014 when she was 8 years old. She is now 11 years old.

                                  Rehema Omete


Neema is a total orphan. Her father died in 2008 during the post election violence when she was one year old.After the father died, the mother was re-married and the mother abandoned her and she went to the streets where we found her in 2009. She was very young to be a street girl and when i saw her, my heart went to her. I decided to take her to the orphanage. She was 2 years when she came to the orphanage. She is now 10 years old. She is in class 4 now. Thanks for your prayers and support.

                                    Betty Tom


Both parents died in a road accident in 2009. After the death of her parents, she went to the streets to look for food where i found her in 2014. She was age 12 when she came to the orphanage. She is now 15 years old. She is in High school in form one. Thank you for your prayers and support.

                                    Judy Moragwa


Judy  is a sister to Joseph and a brother to kelvin.. Both of their parents died during the post election violence in 2008. They were left under the care of their grandmother who died in 2010. They had none to help them and they went to the streets to look for food. I found them in 2011 in Kisii and they approached me and  told me their story and i brough them to the orphanage. Judy  was 4 years when he came to the orphanage and now he is currently 10 years old. The girl is happy being in the orphanage and he is in standard 5.

                                    Ian Matongo


Both parents died in a road accident in 2012. He is the youngest brother to Ann. He was 6 years when the parents died. He came to the orphanage the same year and he is 11 years old. She is in standard 4 now. Thanks for your prayers and support

                                    Faith Bosibori


Faith mother died in 2014 and the father is mentally ill. Even the father almost killed her but was rescued by neighbors who brought him to the orphanage. The father died in road accident a year ago in 2016. She came to the orphanage in 2015 when she was 10 years old. She is currently 12 years old. She is in class 6 now. Thanks for your prayers and support.

                                    Ludia Okinye


Ludia was born out of wedlock and the father is unknown. Her mother died on Hiv/Aids and we found the girl employed and she wanted me to help her. She came to the orphanage in 2014 when she was 10 years old. She is now 13 years old. She is in class 6 now. May God bless you for your prayers and support.

                                    Albert Marieta

Albert’s mother died as a result of poverty in which they lived.  The father was unable to deal with the scarcity of food and money and he decided to commit suicide abandoning his children. The boy was so hopeless. The villagers said that the father was a witchcraft and they hated the boy and none offered to help him. They abused him and mistreated the boy and a church member introduced him to us and we decided to take him for help. He now lives here at the orphanage where he is happy but still needs your support and sponsorship.He came to the orphanage in 2012 when he was 9  years old. He is now 14 years old. He is in High school in form one.  Thank you for sponsoring this young boy. God bless you abundantly.

Crawley Assemblies of God International Church (CAOGIC) is a Christian Ministry devoted to preaching CHRIST. We are passionate about the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST who came, so that all may find life through his BLOOD!

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