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(Dreamer / visionary)


My name is Hadassah, better known to family and friends as Kim.  I am a servant of YHWH and a slave of Yeshua Hamashiach.  My blog contributions under “Hadassah’s Corner” will often be controversial, I hope my readers will enjoy the articles and look to grow in their faith.


Who best represents you in the bible and why?


Joseph best represents me in the bible because Joseph was despised and rejected my man but favoured of God. Joseph was able to forecast the future and provide a vision for Pharaoh, so that the people of Israel would not perish of hunger in the famine. I believe that, my calling is to feed the sheep of Yeshua especially in these last days of this heightened spiritual drought. As Joseph waited for Jacob, so I am waiting for the return of my Saviour, the Messiah, the King of Kings, the Lion of Judah, The Great I AM, the holy One, Yeshua HaMashiach.


What are you passionate about?


I am passionate about THREE things.


The first, is wisdom! I desire to be more like Solomon.


The second is, the mysteries of G-d! (“Therefore, seek first the Kingdom of heaven and all these things will be added to you,” YHWH Rapha)


Finally,  it is my hope that I can wash the feet of those who are imprisoned, orphaned and widowed.


What is your testimony?


If your interested in my life testimony, which is centralized around deliverance, you can pick up a copy of my book in our online bookstore, it’s called “Setting Captives Free”.


How long have you been in the ministry?


34 years and counting


Current Service to this ministry (since 2017)


Creator of:


Abiathar House


Bread of Life Bible School


Hadassah’s Corner


Prison ministry


London Evangelism


The Forgiving Body

Crawley Assemblies of God International Church (CAOGIC) is a Christian Ministry devoted to preaching CHRIST. We are passionate about the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST who came, so that all may find life through his BLOOD!

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JESUS CHRIST is the Alpha and Omega!
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