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Abiathar house

Abiathar House

The orphanage is named by Pastor Henry Hammond who heard a voice say, “Abiathar” in a dream.

Abiathar meaning (אביתר, Ebyathar, Evyatar, “the [divine] father is pre-eminent” or “father of plenty“). In relation to the orphanage the latter meaning of the name Abiathar has it’s truest form.

In the bible Abiathar was a high priest of YHWH. We know that JESUS CHRIST is the last high priest after the order of Melchedecik however Pastor Henry Hammond is a faithful proclaimer of the gospel of our Lord working in His service.


You can read about Abiathar in


1 Sam. 23:6


1 Sam. 22:2 and 23:6, 9


2 Sam. 15:24, 29, 35, 20:25


1 Kings 4:4


1 Kings 1:7, 19, 25,  2:22 and 26


2 Sam. 8:17

Here are some pictures


Pastor Henry Hammond


       Abiathar house

      with our children

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